Hermitage and Chapel Ermita Santa Justa

Rohit Gupta
3 min readDec 26, 2021



Hermitage and Chapel — Ermita Santa Justa in Cantabria — Spain 43° 25' 33.6468" N, 4° 5' 52.728" W

It’s a gem on the Cantabria coastline. The chapel of Santa Justa built into a cove on a small beach near Santillana del Mar. There’s quite a bit of history here.

The chapel and hermitage of Santa Justa

Recently sign posted from Santillana del Mar by a small sign leading to the beach of Santa Justa, this small chapel is an amazing find. The nearby sea-side village is called Suances

Built into a cove the chapel can be reached through a narrow slippery path. Although the door is locked, the interior can be seen through the small window in the door.

History of the chapel and hermitage of Santa Justa

The hermitage of Santa Justa is believed to have been inhabited by a hermit (from the 8th century) that fled from the Moorish invasion of Seville. Ambrosio Morales, a priest and professor at the University of Alcala from the 16th century, writes about a church inside a cave with the name “Santa Justa y Rufina” in his book “Ghost Voyage”.

Lighthouse and fortification of San Telmo — Mota Justa

Above the chapel and hermitage of Santa Justa on a hill top there is the Watchtower, lighthouse, fortification locally know as San Telmo or Mota Justa. In 1632 this was part of coastal defense complex. It is also known as a lighttower of San Telmo to guide ships on stormy days.

Artificial beach and picnic area of Santa Justa

Recently an artificial beach has been built opposite of the chapel and hermitage of Santa Justa. It has 3 levels with several green lawns — the materials used are absolutely modern with solar powered lights. During summer time this place is definitely popular with a small bar serving drinks and snacks.

